If you’re dealing with a damaged or missing tooth, you might have already started looking into what your options are to get back to a fully restored smile. Two of the treatments you’ve probably come across are dental crowns and dental bridges. While both are considered types of restorative dentistry, they have some big differences:
The Difference in Form
One of the main differences between dental crowns and dental bridges is how they look, or, in other words, what their structure is. Each of their names gives you a bit of a clue. A dental crown is like a little cap that goes on top of the tooth being treated. This cap is designed to look like a natural tooth. A traditional dental bridge, on the other hand, resembles a bridge created between two healthy teeth: a crown on top of the adjacent tooth, an artificial tooth in the middle, and another crown on top of the nearby tooth.
The Difference in Function
A dental crown can be used in many different scenarios. It can cover up and strengthen a tooth severely damaged due to decay or weakened by a large filling. It can be used to restore a tooth after root canal therapy or when getting a dental implant. As we mentioned before, dental crowns are also used within a dental bridge to create that stability on either side of the gap left by a missing tooth.
A dental bridge, however, has one main purpose: to replace missing teeth. Generally speaking, a bridge is mainly used to replace one to four missing teeth, but it’s more common to have a bridge replacing just one to two teeth.
If you think you might benefit from a dental crown or a dental bridge, we invite you to come to Seaport Family Dentistry for a consultation. As part of our comprehensive services, we provide both treatments at our Liberty practice. Call or email us to make an appointment!
Bridge images from Authority Dental under CC 2.0