Do I Need a Dental Crown?

Illustration of a porcelain dental crown

Dental crowns are useful to reinforce natural teeth for a variety of reasons. For example:

Replacing a Large Filling

Sometimes a large filling is not enough to protect or restore a tooth. If a filling space is large or old, the remaining tooth is likely weak and at risk of fracturing. A dental crown may be the best option to protect the tooth.

Excessive Wear

Worn down teeth due to grinding or a highly acidic diet can cause bite issues or more damage to surrounding teeth. A dental crown can serve as a reinforcement for the missing tooth structure and improve functionality.

Dental Implant Completion

After an implant fuses into the jaw, a restoration attachment that acts as a replacement tooth is required. A dental implant crown sits above the gum line to restore tooth’s shape, size, appearance, and function.

After Root Canal Therapy

When a root canal is performed, the inside of a tooth is altered and may result in weakness. Typically teeth that have a root canal require a dental crown or other restoration to protect the compromised tooth.

Coverage of a Damaged or Discolored Tooth

While dental crowns can help fix functional problems and strengthen a tooth, they can serve cosmetic purposes as well. If a tooth is misshapen or discolored, a dental crown is a convenient option for shaping and correcting color.

Dental Crowns in Liberty, MO

We hope your natural smile can last a lifetime with proper care and caution. However, in the unfortunate event that you are dealing with a weak, damaged, or missing tooth, our team at Seaport Family Dentistry would be happy to determine whether or not you could benefit from a dental crown or other restorative treatment. Please contact us today to schedule an appointment!


Dental crown image from Authority Dental under CC 2.0
